4 Reasons Men Boycott Valentine’s Day Celebrations in Kenya

Out of the 365 days that make up one year, men and women have just one day to celebrate their love and romance. Valentine’s Day, which arrives on February 14th every year, is the only day designated for love and romance. 

Women cherish Valentine’s Day celebrations with every fiber of their beings. On the other hand, men hate this day so much that they only celebrate it to make their women happy. Kenyan men, in particular, have severe disgust and zero value for this day. 

After all, only a few women want to share the cost burden of this day with their men. As you, Kenyan ladies, prepare for pampering from your men on Valentine’s Day, some of them could be looking for flimsy reasons to boycott it.

 In this article, we will explore four reasons men boycott Valentine’s Day celebrations in Kenya. Stay alert to find out. 

Top 4 Reasons Men Boycott Valentine’s Day Celebrations in Kenya

In Kenya, men boycott the Valentine’s Day celebrations because of these reasons:

1. To Attend the Men’s Conference

The annual Men’s Conference occurs on Valentine’s Day these days. A thing that started jokingly in 2020 has become a good excuse for men to skip the Valentine’s Day celebrations. Kenyan men held their first annual conference in Carnivore Simba Saloon on February 14, 2023.

Henceforth, most men will not join their wives or girlfriends in Valentine’s Day celebrations because of the Men’s Conference. Before this meeting, women thought men who said they were attending a conference needed one excuse to skip the celebrations. 

However, the first Men’s Conference enabled men to amass and voice their issues. It was journalist Stephen Letoo‘s idea to organize the first Men’s Conference last year. Men of honor attended the meeting, including Ian Mbugua, Dr. Frank Njenga, Robert Alai, Pastor Simon Mbevi, Chris Kirwa, Danstan Omari, Shaffie Weru, and Dr. Ofweneke. 

These distinguished men discussed polygamy, mental health, finances, family laws, divorce, parenthood, religion, and “baby mommas.” Women would expect such a conference to teach men how not to simp. 

Simping is when you lower your ego to do everything that pleases your woman. Surprisingly, men got crucial real-life advice from their panelists, including: 

  • Ian Mbugua asked men who have psychological issues like depression to speak up and seek medical help from professionals.
  • Danstan Omari raised the issue of men who have become womanized. He asked these men to re-embrace their role as providers. 
  • Ian Mbugua also spoke about men who abandon their women and kids. He advised these men to raise the children they sired with “baby mamas” outside of marriage. Pastor Mbevi supported Ian’s views by adding that men should care for their children even if nobody has taken them to court. 
  • Dr. Frank Njenga insisted on men having kids with mentally stable women to avoid facing “baby mama” dramas later in life.
  • Lawyer Danstan Omari discussed the polygamy issue. He noted that the Marriage Act of 2014 requires men to get marriage certificates for all their wives. That’s how to legalize his polygamous marriage and protect the rights of all wives and children. 
  • Pastor Mbevi noted that cheating in marriages or relationships is expensive and habitual. Hence, he counseled men to stick to one woman. Omari pointed out that cheating is not only a valid cause of divorce but also an offense that could attract severe penalties.

Find Out: Affordable Places To Celebrate Valentine’s Day In Nairobi

2. Valentine’s Day Celebrations Are All About Materialism and Showoff

Kenyan men can do anything to escape the materialism and show off that shrouds Valentine’s Day. Women want expensive flowers, chocolate bars, dresses, shoes, jewelry, candlelit dinners, romantic trips, and other surprises. 

Not only that, women want their men to buy them the most luxurious Valentine’s gifts so they can flaunt them on social media sites and workplaces. While men have to dig deep into their pockets to afford such luxuries, they cannot find anything substantial they can get in return. 

In any case, the same women will have men do embarrassing things in the name of Valentine’s Day celebrations. Things like opening a car door or pulling a restaurant chair for a woman appear only on soap operas, not African traditions. 

A man cannot even choose the clothes to wear on Valentine’s Day so as not to embarrass her. He needs an expensive Tuxedo suit to look good in a picture that will end up on social media. Kenyan men are sick of women showing them off against their will. 

3. Men Hate Feeling Obligated to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

If you have a woman, those around you expect you to treat her on Valentine’s Day. You must take her out to luxurious places to dine, shop, and have fun. If you say no, your friends will conclude that you do not love and value your woman. 

If you tighten your Valentine’s Day budget, your woman will call you stingy. Men hate feeling obligated or ordered to please their women when they do not want to. It gets worse when the man has relationship issues because of her and she still demands favors from him on Valentine’s Day.

A Kenyan man feels capable of pleasing his woman when and how he chooses. But society obligates him to appreciate her only on Valentine’s Day. It is no wonder that this is one of the reasons men boycott Valentine’s Day celebrations in Kenya.

4. Men Find Anniversaries More Private and Special Than Valentine’s Day

Kenyan men find no correlation between Valentine’s Day and celebrating something as personal as love. After all, what has a Hallmark holiday got to do with love? Men find spending a whole day expressing their love and affection to a woman very ridiculous. 

If a man is in love with a beautiful woman, he should not have a problem expressing his feelings to her daily. Besides, what are anniversaries for? A wedding or a relationship anniversary feels more special and private to men than Valentine’s Day. 

You can invite just the loved ones and celebrate your love and romance together. On the other hand, Valentine’s Day lays unnecessary demands on the man, putting him in the spotlight whether he does or does not do what his woman wants.