10 Easy Untapped Business Ideas in Kenya

Kenya is rich with opportunities, and not just in terms of natural resources. The country has a population of around 50 million people, which means there are plenty of customers for any business venture you can think up! There are so many easy untapped business ideas that it’s hard to know where to start looking for an idea. Luckily, the following list will give you some of the untapped business ideas in Kenya. If you are looking to start a new business in Kenya, then you can choose from among the list.

Here is a list of 10 easy untapped business ideas in Kenya:

  • Selling kienyeji eggs
  • Children daycare
  • Soap making
  • Web development
  • Garbage management
  • Vegetarian and vegan products
  • Online freelancing
  • Virtual assistant
  • Office and home food delivery
  • Processing natural oils

1. Selling Kienyeji Eggs

Selling Kienyeji eggs in Kenya
Kienyeji eggs

Selling kienyeji eggs is among the untapped business ideas in Kenya. Kienyeji eggs are becoming highly valued in the country as more people realize the benefits of these eggs. In the recent past, doctors have been advising people in the country to consume kienyeji eggs as they are linked to a reduced risk of heart diseases. Moreover, these eggs are high in cholin, an important nutrient that is not sufficiently supplied from other foods.

A tray of kienyeji eggs in Kenya goes for approximately Ksh. 500. With 10 trays, you are good for the start. For this, you will need approximately Ksh. 5,000. To be on the safe side, you will need Ksh. 50,000 to cater for setting up your business stall. One Kienyeji egg is sold at around Ksh. 25. Therefore, you are guaranteed approximately Ksh. 9 profit on each egg sold, translating to Ksh. 270 per tray.

2. Children Daycare

Many people are busy, especially in urban settings like Nairobi. Mothers want to leave for work but they lack safe places for their young children. This is a business opportunity that has not been fully harnessed in Kenya.

To start a children’s daycare center, you need to be knowledgeable in early childhood development. You also need to be a person who has a love for children and gain the trust of parents in your location.

In terms of investment, a children’s daycare center will not cost you a lot. You will need approximately Ksh. 100,000 for a start. This amount will be able to pay for a house (If being leased) and pay for other equipment. You will also have to pay for a single business and fire safety permit. Finally, you will need furniture, toys, and some educational materials to get you started.

3. Soap Making

Soap-making is among the untapped business ideas in Kenya. Soap is used daily at home, therefore, it is an essential commodity. Starting a soap-making business requires little knowledge of the needed chemicals and marketing techniques.

To start this process, you will need a soap-making machine which costs approximately KSh. 200,000. You then have to be knowledgeable in the cold soap-making process which s the common approach for small soap startups. The cold soap-making process involves mixing oils and fats with sodium hydroxide lye. The process is achieved through the saponification process.

4. Web Development

Websites are in high demand in this era when people are looking to work online. Apart from working online, businesses are going online to target their potential customers. In all these businesses, websites play a key role. However, to establish a website, a developer is needed to give it the desired outlook.

You can invest in this business by taking a short course in IT and web development. Such a course will cost you approximately Ksh. 40,000. After the training, you will need excellent marketing practices and a suitable location. You can start by advertising your services on Facebook and WhatsApp groups. If you have enough capital, you can as well set up your website for advertisement purposes. With proper marketing, you are guaranteed of constant customers.

5. Garbage Management

untapped business ideas in Kenya
Garbage management

Garbage has become a menace in major towns. By strolling in towns, you will notice heaps of garbage dumped in different corners. This demonstrates the challenge facing the country in terms of garbage management.

To start a garbage collection business, you should start by establishing good relationships with landlords within your area. If you have about 10 landlords, get a Nema license or County permit for garbage handling. You can get a homemade incinerator to burn the garbage or if you have space, create a compost pit for the garbage. However, the pit will only be used for biodegradable garbage. This business will cost you very little investment which may go towards the payment of Nema and county business permits.

You will need garbage collection equipment like wheelbarrows, spades, and gloves. In addition, labor will be needed as you will not be able to handle cumbersome garbage alone. However, you may decide to hire some equipment for the start if you don’t have enough capital.

6. Vegetarian and Vegan Products

Starting a vegan store is one of the untapped business ideas in Kenya. Veganism is a growing trend in the country as many people realize the importance of healthy living. Due to allergies due to animal products, Kenya has a considerable number of vegetarians. Therefore, you will never go wrong in the food industry as people need food for survival.

One thing to note before starting a vegan and vegetarian business is that these products are highly perishable. You should not start this business without the necessary gadgets to preserve and keep your products fresh. There are higher chances of incurring huge losses if you don’t invest in refrigeration gadgets. The most common vegan products include:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Milk, butter, cheese made from vegetables
  • Honey made from nectar

7. Online Freelancing

Online work is among the best ways to make money online in Kenya. However, online freelancing is one of the untapped business ideas in Kenya as many people lack the knowledge of how to start and where to source for jobs. Online freelance requires little to no investment if you know how to approach it.

The most common platforms where you can source online freelance jobs include Fiverr and Upwork. The good thing is that signing up for these services is free. You will just log in, fill in your details, do a test if available, and start working online.

To be able to work on these online freelancing platforms, you have to possess some of these skills:

  • Transcription
  • Graphic design
  • Search engine optimization
  • web development

8. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistance is among the untapped business ideas in Kenya. While Kenya has been slow to adopt new technologies, there are a lot of people who could benefit from these services. To work as a virtual assistant in Kenya, you only need a computer, internet connection, and some skills in admin or office work. You can find these services through an online job portal like careerjet.co.ke.

Many bloggers and website owners are constantly looking for virtual assistants in Africa. Virtual assistants can be paid in Kenya shillings, US dollars, or other international currencies depending on the client’s requirements. You’ll need to set up online payment accounts like PayPal or Payoneer if you opt to work with international clients. These are the safety platforms you can receive your payments.

9. Office and Home Food Delivery

Many people are busy that they lack time to go food shopping. Others are unable to cook their own food due to health conditions. These factors create a significant demand for office and home food delivery in Kenya. You can start this kind of business with just an internet connection, phone line/SMS facility, and car or bike. There is plenty of room for growth since there aren’t any big brands dominating the market.

To start out in home and office food delivery, you’ll need to create a list of clients and their requirements. You can start this kind of business by talking with your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues. If they like the idea, ask them if you can add their name to your client’s database after creating an online home food delivery website or app (like Food Panda). Remember to add their food preferences, delivery time, and day in the database. In this way, your work will be easier as you will have a guiding schedule.

10. Processing and Selling Natural Oils

untapped business ideas in Kenya
Natural oils

Many Kenyans are realizing the benefits of natural oils on their skins. This demand has created an opportunity for people to process and sell natural oils.

The process to start this kind of business in Kenya is simple. You can form partnerships with local farmers and buy seeds from them at affordable prices. The next step would be to receive oil extraction training or hire an expert to train you. Process the oil and test it on some friends or family members to get feedback. Finally, sell the natural oils by advertising on social media platforms or partnering with some oil-selling shops around you. The following are some of the top-selling oil products in Kenya:

  • Coconut Oil – This is among the most popular natural oils in Kenya due to its multiple uses, such as cooking/baking, skincare, haircare, etc.
  • Palm Kernel Oil – This oil is a good moisturizer and can be used to make soaps, candles, etc.
  • Cocoa Butter – It’s popular in Kenya because of its high concentration of antioxidants. Cocoa butter has been shown to help prevent or reduce wrinkles on the skin when applied topically.
  • Hempseed Oil – Hemp seed oil contains a lot of Omega- vitamins, which makes it a popular option for people who want to moisturize their skin.

Wrapping Up

There are many untapped business ideas in Kenya on top of the ones provided. To identify these untapped businesses in your locality, you can start looking for a need that has not been addressed. It can be a service that forces people to travel long distances to get them or a common household product that is difficult/expensive to buy. Always do your research and conduct focus group meetings with potential customers before starting out with any business idea. After identifying one, you’ll need to create a business plan and make some calculations. Finally, you can start selling your products or services after getting the necessary licenses (if required).

When starting a business, remember to put into consideration all the risks involved. Have mechanisms in mind to address and minimize these risks. It is also important to note that if you’re going into a business, it might take some time before seeing positive results.