14 Best-Paying Government Jobs in Kenya

It is a well-known fact that there are many government jobs in Kenya. There are numerous vacancies available for the public to apply for in the government. But, what kind of jobs should you be applying for? Which ones will give you the best pay? In this article we tell you about some of the best-paying government jobs in Kenya, so keep reading!

Here is a list of the categories of best-paying government jobs in Kenya:

  • Working for government parastatals
  • The health sector
  • The finance industry
  • The construction sector
  • Control of the government

Working for Government Parastatals

Government parastatals are among the best paying institutions in Kenya. According to the best-paying parastatals in Kenya, graduate trainees are paid more than Ksh. 100, 000 per month working for major parastatals. Therefore, if you get an opportunity to work for some of these parastatals, you will be in a better position in terms of your monthly salary. The top 3 best-paying parastatals you can work for in Kenya are:


KenGen is the highest-paying government parastatal to work for in Kenya. Because it’s owned by the government, KenGen provides some of the best-paying government jobs in Kenya. Salaries at KenGen are based on individual roles and experience. The parastatal employs a diverse range of professionals ranging from electric engineers, accountants, human resources experts, etc.

Fresh graduates in the most demanding positions like electrical engineering earn more Ksh. 100,000 per month. However, no one takes home less than Ksh. 50,000 per month irrespective of his or her role at KenGen.

The CentralBank of Kenya (CBK)

CBK offers a range of best-paying government jobs in Kenya. As a financial institution, CBK offers some of the best business-related jobs in the country. Therefore, if you are a holder of a business-related course in Kenya, you have an opportunity to apply for employment at CBK. CBK offers competitive pays for its employees as stipulated by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). As an employee of CBK, you will not earn less than Ksh. 65,000 per month. Your salary will be based on your role, experience, and job group. Senior bank officers at CBK earn between Ksh. 244,000-262,000 a month.

Kenya Airports Authority (KAA)

KAA employs people in diverse fields. As a government-owned parastatal, KAA employs accountants, economists, pilots, HRs, and many other professionals. Therefore, if you possess a qualification you think can guarantee you a job at KAA, it’s high time you make the application. At this institution, you will be sure of satisfactory pay. As an entry-level employee, you will earn not less than KSh. 60,000 per month. However, as you gain experience in the job, your salary will keep increasing based on the job group.

The Health Sector

The government of Kenya has invested immensely in the health sector. Due to the rise in population and a high number of highly infectious diseases in the country, getting more health professionals has been a priority for the government. This is evidenced by the many health institutions being launched in different places around the country. Here are the top 3 best-paying government jobs in the health sector:

Medicine and Surgery

Are you a holder of a certification in a health-related field? Then your services are in high demand by the government. With a certification in medicine and surgery, you can get employed in some of the government-owned hospitals being launched in the country. You will be paid as a government doctor, a job proven to be among the best-paying government jobs in Kenya. At the entry-level, you will be paid at least Ksh. 65,000 per month. An experienced doctor or surgeon employed by the government earns at least Ksh. 300,000.


Being employed as a pharmacist by the ministry of health guarantees you good pay. Pharmacists are in high demand in Kenya due to the increasing rate at which people are looking for prescription drugs. As a result, the ministry of health has embarked on recruiting pharmacists to eliminate congestion in government hospitals.

Securing a job in any government-owned hospital is enough to help you take good care of your family. In most of these hospitals, pharmacists earn approximately Ksh. 140,000 monthly. Such an amount is enough to maintain and sustain your family.


Nursing is one of the best-paying government jobs in Kenya. Being a nurse in Kenya comes with many benefits, including the fact that you are able to work in various fields. Some of these include hospitals, clinics, or even private homes as a home nurse. However, the best part of this profession is getting employed by the government as a nurse. Most nurses in government institutions earn approximately Ksh. 63,000. This is a good amount to make your life move. Therefore, if you are a qualified nurse, you have an opportunity to work with the government and turn your life around.

The Finance Industry

The government of Kenya employs many people in the finance sector. Remember, the government has many financial operations to make. The collection of revenue, management, and allocation of revenue is crucial for the successful operation of the government. All these activities require the input of financial experts. Additionally, these people have to be paid well as they handle large sums of government money. Here are the best-paying government jobs in the finance sector:


Accountants are among the people who earn a decent income from government institutions. The government employees these people to be in charge of recording, classifying, and reporting on various financial issues in the government. These are the experts who help the government to know how its finances are being managed and whether the intended objectives are being met.

Some of the government institutions where accountants work include banks like KCB, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Treasury, and the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK). If you get employed in these institutions, the least amount you will be paid per month is Ksh. 80,000 per month. However, it is worth noting that your salary will be based on your experience and job group.

Finance Experts

Finance is among the best-paying government jobs in Kenya. If you are good at math and can handle large sums of money, then this is the job for you! Many people employed by the government in the finance sector make more than Ksh. 100,000 per month if they have completed their bachelor’s degree. Working as a finance expert in the government sector is a great opportunity to build your knowledge. It also gives you the chance to work with other professionals in various fields, so it can be beneficial if you are looking for another job or career path later on down the line.

The Construction Sector

The government has currently invested in many construction projects. Hospitals, schools, bridges, and roads are currently being built in the country. All these projects need experts to work on them. To encourage people to join the construction industry, the Kenyan government has ensured that those working on different construction projects are paid well. The best-paying government jobs in the construction sector are:


The government is employing engineers in the major construction projects going on in the country. If you have a certification in engineering and looking for employment, then this is the best opportunity for you. There are many types of engineering jobs available, but the most popular ones are civil engineers and mechanical engineers. If you can handle working in unpredictable environments with no supervision then this could be the job for you. If you are a fresh graduate, you will be paid between Ksh. 60,000-110,000 to work as a site engineer. Your salary will keep increasing as you get more experience in your career. Established site engineers earn more than Ksh. 300,000 monthly.


Working with the government as an architect is one of the best-paying government jobs in Kenya. If you have a degree and certification from an accredited institution, then there are many opportunities available for you to work with various projects going on throughout the country. As an architect, you should be able to handle lots of stress and pressure, especially since you will be working with different types of people on a daily basis. Your primary role will be to develop and design the structure of a building. You will be able to work with different architects in your field, which can lead to further career opportunities later on down the line.

Architects get to take home a salary of not less than Ksh. 80,000.


All construction projects need a surveyor. Currently, the government is undertaking many construction projects throughout the country, which means there are many opportunities for surveyors to work with them. As a surveyor, you will be responsible for taking measurements of the land and determining the boundaries. You will also be required to create maps that show various areas within Kenya. If you have the relevant surveying certifications then this is one of the best-paying government jobs in Kenya. Most government-employed surveyors make between Ksh. 70,000-120,000 per month depending on their qualifications and experience in the field of surveying.

Control of the Government

This is the sector that employs major government personnel. These are the people who create much impact on the government and how it runs and implement different projects. The sector encompasses the judiciary, legislature, and the executive.

Judiciary jobs

Working with the Judiciary in Kenya is a fantastic opportunity. If you are interested in law then this is a great opportunity for you to build your experience and knowledge within the field. The Kenyan judiciary employs a range of professionals including lawyers, judges, and clerks. Lawyers can earn as much as Ksh. 120,000 per month depending on their qualifications and experience in the field of law. Working for the Kenyan judiciary is one of the best-paying government jobs available if you have a degree or certification from an accredited institution within your field.


This is a branch of government that deals with making laws. When we talk of the legislature in Kenya, we refer to the parliament, both national and senate parliaments. Working in the legislation sector guarantees you huge pay and hefty allowances. This is evidenced by the fleshy lifestyles depicted by members of parliament and senators. These are the people who are paid in the excess of Ksh. 700,000 monthly. Apart from their salaries, legislators have guaranteed house allowances, travel allowances, and many others.

The Executive

Kenya’s executive is made up of the President, the Deputy President, and the Cabinet. These are the highest-paying government jobs in Kenya today. Most members of the executive make more than Ksh.1 million per month. However, getting into these positions is extremely hard and you will need hard work and strong connections to become a member of the executive in Kenya.