How to Permanently Remove Stretch Marks at Home (10 Home Remedies)

Stretch marks are the scars left on the skin due to the stretching and shrinking of the skin. The reason for the formation of stretch marks is the rupture of collagen and elastin that supports the skin as a result of abrupt changes. Therefore, these marks appear as the skin heals. However, not all people develop stretch marks due to the fluctuation of hormone levels. Due to their appearance on the skin, people with stretch marks tend to feel ashamed. Many people have tried various remedies on how to eliminate these marks. As a result of the high cost incurred in curing stretch marks, home remedies become the best option. Therefore, this is a guide on how to permanently remove stretch marks at home.

The top 3 best ways to permanently remove stretch marks at home are: use of aloe vera gel, use of lemon juice and use of Argan oil.

Some Common Causes of Stretch Marks

  • Pregnancy
  • Bodybuilding
  • Puberty
  • Weight Gain and Weight Loss
  • Some forms of Surgery like Breast surgery.

1. The Use of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant known for its health benefits to human beings. The plant has many uses especially on the human skin. It has the ability to eliminate stretch marks due to its ability to aid in the generation of new skin tissues.

To use Aloe Vera, you should peel off the outer layer to gain access to the sticky gel in the leaf. You should then use the sticky gel from the leaf of Aloe Vera by applying it on the stretch marks. You should then leave it for 3 hours after which you will wash the Aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Vera

2. Use of Cucumber and Lemon Juice

Lemon is naturally acidic, a factor that helps to remove stretch marks. On the other hand, cucumber is used to cool the skin after the action by the acidic lemon juice. This combination features in the guide on how to permanently remove stretch marks at home due to its care for the skin.

To use this method, mix lemon and cucumber juices and apply the solution on the stretch marks. You should be thorough in application of this mixture on the affected area to ensure it is well soaked in the skin. Give it 15 minutes for the action to complete then rinse it with warm water.

Cucumber and Lemon Juice

3. Use of Argan Oil

Argan oil is enriched with vitamin E, an important nutrient for the skin. Therefore, Argan oil increases the elasticity of the skin. To use this approach, you should apply argan oil on the area affected by stretch marks. You should then give it 30 minutes for the oil to be soaked in the skin and heal the broken tissues. After that, you should wash the oil with warm water and continue with the process until you start seeing the stretch marks heal.

Argan Oil

4. Use of Olive Oil

Olive oil cannot miss on the guide of how to permanently remove stretch marks at home. It has enough antioxidants needed to heal the affected parts of the skin. Furthermore, olive oil is rich in moisturizing properties and other nutrients good for the health of the skin. Thus, to use this method, you should apply cold pressed olive oil on the skin area affected by stretch marks. Give it 30 minutes for the reaction to complete and rinse it. You should repeat the process until you start seeing the stretch marks fading over time.

Olive Oil

5. Use of Castor Oil

Castor oil massage is needed to heal stretch marks. Due to the nourishment and moisture from castor oil, it is effective in healing stretch marks if applied consistently. To use this approach, you should directly apply castor oil on the stretch marks and massage it thoroughly for 20 minutes. You should then cover the are with a thin cloth, preferably cotton then apply some heat. You should do this consistently until you the stretch marks disappear.

Castor Oil

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6. Use of Apricots

Grind 4 apricots into a smooth paste after removing their seeds. You should then directly apply the past on the stretch marks and leave it for 30 minutes. After that rinse it with lukewarm water. Repeat the process more often until you see the stretch marks disappear.  


7. Use of Almond and Coconut Oil

This is one of the preferred approaches on how to permanently remove stretch marks at home. These oils aid in the eliminating the ugly appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Furthermore, these oils are readily available, thus, anyone can easily use them.

To use this method, you should mix equal quantity of almond and coconut oil and use the mixture to regularly massage the affected area. For the best results, you do this regularly and, in most cases, daily.

Almond and Coconut Oil

8. Use of Sugar

Sugar is also another easy home remedy for stretch marks. To get the best results with sugar, you should mix it with olive oil and lemon juice to form a scrub. You should then use the scrub to massage the area affected by stretch marks for 15 minutes. After that, you will rinse it with lukewarm water. For the best results, you should repeat this process regularly.


9. Use of Potato Juice

Potatoes are good sources of starch and other enzymes good in lighting the skin. Thus, this explains why potatoes are used to lighten dark circles, blemishes and spots on the skin. Additionally, it is known to have some bleaching impact when applied regularly on the skin.

To use this approach, you should cut 5 potatoes into equal halves and squize the juice into a glass. This juice is what you will apply on the part of your skin affected by stretch marks and massage it in circular motion for 15 minutes. You will then rinse it with lukewarm water and repeat the process regularly for the best results.

Potato Juice

10. Use of Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter could not miss on how to permanently remove stretch marks at home as it is a readily available product. When used after pregnancy, cocoa butter is a good remedy that ensures that all stretch marks disappear completely.

To use this remedy for stretch marks, you should take a good amount of cocoa butter and thoroughly use it to massage the skin. The best time to do this is at night when you are going to sleep as the skin will be relaxed. However, for the best results, you should repeat the process daily.

Cocoa Butter

To sum up, removing stretch naturally does not happen overnight. As is the case with most natural things, you have to be patient and persistent. Therefore, because these are some of the natural home remedies for stretch marks, you should try them. Pick one which you feel comfortable with and use it. Remember to be persistent and in the long run, you will be happy. In addition to using these remedies, you should drink a lot of water as water is keeps the skin healthy and moist.