Job Groups in Kenya, Salaries, and Allowances According to SRC in 2024

If you’re searching for a government job, you should take the time to understand the different job groups. A job group has civil servants with the same education, skills, and qualifications. Individuals in a job group have different grades and varying salaries and allowances. That is why it’s important to know the various job Groups in Kenya, salaries, and allowances according to SRC.

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC)

The SRC pays all public civil servants in Kenya, and its current chairperson is Lyn Cherop Mengich. It emerged in 2010 according to Article 230 of the current constitution. The independent commission formulates and reviews salaries per Section 12 of the SRC Act (2011). 

Additionally, the Salary and Remuneration Commission advises the national and county governments on salaries and benefits for civil servants. It ensures equity and equality when carrying out its duties. 

Currently, the SRC has a 23-level remuneration structure. The structure begins with the lowest Job Group B1 and ends with the highest Job Group E4. 

Job Groups in Kenya: Job Groups B1 to E4

This section reveals various job groups in Kenya, salaries, and allowances according to SRC. See how job groups in Kenya ascend and surmount each other below: 

Job Group B1: Previously Job Groups A, B, C, and D

Public workers in Job Group B1 earn the lowest income. They are low-skilled workers taking on entry-level job positions like Officer III, Operator III, Support III, and Attendant III. 

The updated monthly salary scale for Job Group B1 workers is 13,530 to 14,610 Kenyan shillings.

Find Out: KDF Salaries, Ranks, And Allowances 

Job Group B2: Previously Job Group E

The Job Group B2 includes low-skilled workers who get junior supervisory roles. This is where you find job classes like Cleaning Supervisor, Driver II, and Artisan III. State workers in Job Group B2 earn 15,670 to 17,570 Kenyan shillings every month. 

Job Group B3: Previously Job Group F 

State employees in Job Group B3 take positions like Driver 1, Artisan II, and Cleaning Supervisor in the government. These workers can make instant decisions and receive a pretty decent monthly salary than when they were in Job Group F. 

Currently, they make 21,500 to 28,970 Kenyan shillings.

Job Group B4: Previously Group G

Workers in Job Group B4 include Certificate Candre’s entry, Artisan 1, Senior Driver, Driver 1, Technicians, and Clerical Officer 1. These people have better skill sets than anyone from the first three job groups. They boast unrestricted decision-making processes. 

Primary school teachers entering the job market are in this job class. State workers in Job Group B4 have a monthly salary scale of 22,270 to 30,020 Kenyan Shillings.

Also Read: Kenya Police Salaries, Ranks, And Allowances 

Job Group B5: Previously Job Group H

Most senior specialists and executives in the government service are in Job Group B5. They enjoy flexible decision-making processes and other perks. Those who apply for jobs in Job Group B5 fill positions like Chief Driver and Senior Clerical Officer I. 

Formerly, the lowest-paid workers in this job group earned Ksh.23,176 and now they make Ksh. 25,470. Previously, the highest-paid executive in Job Group H earned Ksh.28, 970. Today, they make Ksh. 33,950 every month. 

Job Group C1: Previously Job Groups J

People with moderate skill levels are in Job Group C1. They have good technical and academic qualifications. This is where you find most entry-level university graduates and they fill the Officer II positions. 

While in Job Group J, workers got paid 28,970 to 39,110 Kenyan shillings. Today, in Group C1, the same workers make 31,270 to 41,260 Kenyan shillings. 

Job Group C2: Previously Job Group K

Entry-level graduates with professional certification are in Job Group C2. They have a good education level and excellent technical skills. They fill the Clinical Officer I position. Their lowest salary in Job Group K was 36,411 Kenyan shillings and the highest was 47,373 Kenyan shillings. 

Now, workers in Job Group C2 earn between 38,270 to 51,170 Kenyan shillings. They are among the best-paid public servants in the country.  

Job Group C3: Previously Job Group L

Kenyan professionals working for the government in secondary schools are in Job Group C3. The group also absorbs senior officers with great academic qualifications and technical skills.

Previously in the Job Group L, state workers earned a monthly income scale of 41,770 to 57,900 Kenyan shillings. Now in Job Group C3, people make 42,970 to 59,120 Kenyan shillings, which is a decent monthly salary.

Job Group C4: Previously Job Group M

Public servants in Job Group C4 enjoy a salary scale of 49,000 to 68,165 Kenyan shillings. The Job Group C4 employs people with significant experience and excellent academic qualifications. These professionals become junior managers and top specialists in the government. 

They fill top positions like the Senior Master IV, Senior Lecturer IV, and Deputy Head Educator II. Other slots include Special Need Education Senior Teacher (Primary School) or Special Need Education Teacher I (High school level). 

Job Group C5: Previously Job Group N

Workers in Job Group N make a decent living from their monthly earnings of 56,370 to 87,360 Kenyan shillings. Again, some online sources claim that employees in Job Group N still earn their previous salary of 64,919 to 81,148 Kenyan shillings. 

Civil servants in Job Group C5 occupy junior and mid-level management positions. Examples of job roles in this class include Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Deputy Principal IV, Deputy Head Teacher, Curriculum Support Officer II, and Head Educator. 

Job Group DI: Previously Job Group P

This job group consists of highly qualified professionals who become heads of departments. Workers in Job Group J are usually new entrants in management-level positions. Their positions are Curriculum Support Officer I, Deputy Principle III, Senior Master II, Senior Head Educator, and Senior Lecturer II.

The Job Group D1 employees make a monthly income of between 87,360 to 121,430 Kenyan shillings. This remuneration scale went up from 81,148 to 109,550 Kenyan shillings. 

Job Group D2: Previously Job Group Q

Senior managers and directors working for the government are in Job Group D2. These include senior assistant directors and deputy directors. They occupy different categories, including the TSC (T-scale 12) officers like Senior Master 1 and Deputy Principal II. 

Previously in Job Group Q, senior managers and directors made 97,184 to 130,226 Kenyan shillings per month. Now they make between 99,900 and 133, 870 Kenyan shillings in Job Group Q. 

Job Group D3: Previously Job Group R

Senior executives and assistant heads working in different government sectors are in Job Group D3. These are well-educated staff with years of experience and top technical skills. The TCS’s T-scale 13 professionals are in this job group, occupying positions such as Principals and Deputy Principal I. 

Among the best-paid Kenyan civil servants, the Job Group D3 officers get a monthly salary of 121,430 to 169,140 Kenyan shillings. In the previous Job Group R, they made 114,334 to 152,064 monthly. 

Job Group D4: Previously Job Group S

In Job Group D4, you find some of the highest-paid public servants occupying managerial positions. They occupy mid-level and high-level managerial positions. Various government sectors classify their workers uniquely in this job group. 

The salary scale previously was 132,178 to 174,425 Kenyan shillings. Today, workers in Job Group D4 make 133,870 to 197,800 Kenyan shillings per month.  

Job Group D5 – Previously Group T

Top executives occupying the most senior management positions in the public service are in Job Group D5. They are think tanks in their respective sectors and among the highest-paid civil servants in Kenya. Workers in Job Group D5 earn a monthly salary of 150,202 to 198,267 Kenyan shillings. 

As you can imagine, these employees have a good education, years of experience, varied sets of skills, and excellent leadership abilities.

Best Paying Job Groups in Kenya’s Public Service –Job Groups E1, E2, and E4

Our guide on job groups in Kenya, salaries, and allowances according to SRC also entail Groups E1, E2, and E4. Workers in these job groups have the most rewarding government jobs. Their jobs require exceptional credentials and expertise. Here is what each job group entails: 

Job Group E1 – Third Best Paying

Employees working for the government in Job Group E1 are the third best-paid in the public sector. They make 198,267 to 257,747 Kenyan shillings per month. 

Job Group E2 – Second Best Paying

Workers in Job Group E2 earn 221,508 to 282,954 Kenyan shillings each month. The highly experienced and educated staff occupy the second best paying job group in Kenya. 

Job Group E4: Third Best Paying

The apex of a career in the public sector is the Job Group E4. Executives in this job group make between 292,765 and 576,120 Kenyan shillings a month. This is where you find senior professionals in specialized fields and top-level management. 

The heads of public service such as  Francis Muthaura, Joseph Kinyua, and Felix Kosgei earn this much. Check the table below for a summary of Job Groups and respective salaries in Kenya’s public service.

Current Job Group TitlePrevious Job Group TitleMinimum Salary in Kenyan shillingsMaximum Salary in Kenyan Shillings
D2Q99,900133, 870
Job groups in Kenya and their salaries


Our Job groups in Kenya, their salaries, and allowances also entail perks. Employees in the public sector earn some allowances to supplement their gross salaries. Allowances appear in Clusters 1, 2, 3, and 4. Here is a brief description of cluster categories according to the Salary and Remuneration Commission:

Cluster 1 

Employees in Cluster 1 are those who work in the capital. Because of the high costs of living, these workers receive their allowances at the highest rate. The SRC pays their allowances based on their job groups. 

They receive house allowances and per diem (by the day) benefits. See the table below to understand:

Job GroupsCluster 1 House Allowances (KSH)Job GroupsState Officer GradesCluster 1 Per Diem Benefits (KSH)
A – C3,750A – E4,200
D4,125F – J6,300
E – F4,500K – ND411,200
G – H6,750P – RD5, E1, and E214,000
J10,000S – TE3 and E416,800
K16,500U – VF1, F2, and E518,200
L – M28,000F422,000
P – Q45,000
Job groups in Kenya and their allowances

Note: Per Diem benefits are perks for workers who travel often for office-related jobs. They get daily upkeep money until they are back at the workstation.

Cluster 2

This cluster pays allowances to government servants in Naivasha, Kwale, Kilifi, Malindi, Lamu, Mombasa, Nakuru, and Kisumu counties. See a summary of their house allowances and per diem benefits in the table below:

Job GroupsCluster 2 House Allowances(KSH)Job GroupsState Officer GradesCluster 2 Per Diem Benefits(KSH)
A – C3,125A – E3,500
D3,375F – J4,900
E – F3,730K – ND48,400
G – H4,500P – RD5, E1, and E210,500
J7,500S – TE3 and E412,600
K12,800U – VF1, F2, and E514,600
L – M22,000F418,000
P – Q28000
Job groups in Kenya and their allowances

Cluster 3

This cluster pays allowances to Kenyans working for the Government in many small towns. These are Garissa, Nanyuki, Kakamega, Embu, Machakos, Kericho, Eldoret, Kisii, Nyeri, and Lodwar. The table below shows their allowances and per diem perks:

Job GroupsCluster 3 House Allowances(KSH)Job GroupsState Officer GradesCluster 3 Per Diem Benefits(KSH)
A – C2,500A – E3,000
D2,750F – J4,200
E – FE gets 2,960F gets 3000K – ND47,000
G – H3,850P – RD5, E1, and E28,400
J5,800S – TE3 and E410,500
K9,600U – VF1, F2, and E512,500
L – M16,500F414,000
P – Q21,000
Job groups in Kenya and their allowances

Cluster 4

Workers in Cluster 4 serve the government in different capacities in regions not in Clusters 1, 2, and 3. Read this table to understand their house allowances:      

Job GroupsCluster 4 House Allowances(KSH)
A – C2,250
E – F2,700
G – H3,200
L – M22,000
P and Q28,000
Job clusters in Kenya and their allowances

Other Allowances

Kenyans who work in hardship areas of the country receive a Hardship Allowance. These people face issues like lack of electricity, tarmac roads, clean water, health facilities, etc. 

Areas hit hard by hardships are in the North Eastern region, including Garissa, Mandera, Isiolo, Marsabit, Wajir, and Samburu. Others include Lamu, Kwale, Baringo, West Pokot, Taita Taveta, Tan River, Turkana, Kajiado West, Kitui, Narok, Homabay, and Kilifi. 

The lowest paid Hardship allowance in Job Group A is Ksh.2,800 and the highest in Job Group T is Ksh.60,000. Other allowances include Responsibility, Special Duty, An Interpreter, Readers, Transfer, and Special School.