5 Guaranteed Agribusiness Funding in Kenya

Kenya is considered an important player in the global agricultural sector. Agriculture employs more than 60% of Kenya’s workforce and is also one of the country’s top sources for foreign exchange earnings. The Kenyan government has made significant investments in supporting agriculture through development projects. This article presents a list of the different organizations providing agribusiness funding in Kenya. If you want to expand your agribusiness in the country, you can get assistance from one of these organizations.

The top 5 organizations providing agribusiness funding in Kenya are:

  • ENABLE Kenya
  • AGRA funding
  • FarmLINK Kenya
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • AgriFi Kenya challenge fund

The agriculture sector remains the backbone of Kenya’s economy accounting for about 65% of export earnings. Additionally, this is the sector that employs 80% of Kenya’s rural population. Therefore, this is an important sector that must be supported and funded fully. Let’s now look at the agricultural funding organizations in Kenya in details.

1. ENABLE Kenya

The Empowering Novel Agribusiness-Led Employment (ENABLE Kenya), a Shs. 2.2 billion program was unveiled on 4th June 2021 by President Uhuru Kenyatta. The aim of launching this program was to create employment, generate income, and bridge the succession gap in agribusiness for the Kenyan youths.

ENABLE Kenya works in collaboration with 4-K Clubs at County levels. The 4-K Clubs, also launched by the President aims at ensuring that County Governments and stakeholders in the agriculture sector increase support to empower the youth in agribusiness.

The program is funded by both the Government of Kenya and the African Development Bank (AfDB). Through this program, the government says it will be able to build the capacity of 10,000 Kenyan youths in the agribusiness sector. In turn, this will create employment opportunities for more than 50,000 youths in the country.

Before getting the ENABLE Kenya agribusiness funding, you have to undergo training by the National Government. Those who emerge from the training are given each a financing of between Ksh. 500,000 and 1.5 million as start-up capital.

Check out: Profitable Agribusiness Ideas in Kenya

2. AGRA Funding

The aim of this agribusiness funding organization is to invest in projects that can have measurable impact and can create meaningful, transformative change in the agriculture sector.

To be funded by AGRA, you need to be in a group and apply for the funding. You will be contacted by Program Officers in the organization for intensive planning before you get awarded.

Grant eligibility

AGRA has criteria used to determine those who qualify for agribusiness funding in Kenya. The first consideration is to know what type of organization you represent. The organizations that qualify for this grant are:

  • Government/ministries
  • Not for profit organizations
  • Seed companies
  • Universities and other educational institutions
  • Agro-dealers
  • Financial institutions
  • Farmer groups
  • Market/Farmer produce board
  • Private sector organizations
  • National research institutions

How to apply

  • A Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Applications (RFA) and Request for Concept Notes (RFCN) are the official announcement to the public of the solicitation for grants applications.
  • You need to check AGRA website for RFAs and RFCNs.
  • Your application should be emailed to the organization or submitted online. When you submt, make sure to quote the request (RFA/RFCN) reference.
  • Consortia applications should be submitted jointly by all partners. This should be clearly indicated on the cover page.

3. FarmLINK Kenya

This is a social enterprise project by Mitahato Education Development Fund (MEDF). It is a community-based organization working with smallholder farmers in rural Kenya. Since its inception in 2011, the organization has been offering capacity building to smallholders through on-farm demonstrations and training at Mitahato 1/4 Acre Model Teaching Farm.

Contact: 0728082887

4. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

IFAD is an international financial institution and specialized United Nations agency based in Rome, the UN’s food and agriculture hub. It’s among the organizations that provide agribusiness funding in Kenya. IFAD has disbursed over $23.2 billion in agricultural grants and low-interest loans that has reached an estimated 518 million people.

The organization invests in rural populations, empowering them to increase their food security, improve the nutrition of their families, and increase their incomes. Through this grant, people are able to build resilience, expand their businesses and take charge of their own development.

Email: ifad@ifad.org

5. AgriFi Kenya challenge fund

This is a European Union Initiative to support productive and market-integrated smallholder agriculture. The organization does this through the provision of financial support worth EUR 18,000,000 to Agri-enterprises.

The organization aims to enhance the capacity of smallholder farmers and pastoralists to practice green agriculture as a business in inclusive value chains.

To apply, you can email the organization: info@agrifichallengefund.org