9 Breathtaking Waterfalls in Kenya

Waterfalls offer an opportunity to interact with nature. The beautiful green vegetation along the footpaths down the rivers is always spectacular. Walking/hiking to the sites is a form of exercise if you want to shed some weight. Moreover, Visiting waterfalls with family and friends helps in building better relationships. This article presents the nine breathtaking waterfalls in Kenya and what you can do while at these sites.

Most of these waterfalls in Kenya harbor wildlife that makes them more of an adventure. However, you should be worried about getting harmed by wildlife. Guides are always available and ready to offer assistance and protection. Therefore, you’re assured of safety and tranquility as you tour these spectacular waterfalls in Kenya. The entrance fee is affordable and touring these sites will help you get away from your busy life and relax in the peaceful sounds of water droppings.

The following are the nine breathtaking waterfalls in Kenya:

  1. Thompson falls
  2. Karuru falls
  3. Fourteen falls
  4. Tigon waterfalls
  5. Lugard’s falls
  6. Sheldrick waterfalls
  7. Chepkiit waterfalls
  8. Gura falls
  9. Adamson’s falls

1. Thompson Falls

Thompson falls
Thompson Falls

Thompson falls is among the breathtaking waterfalls in Kenya.

The spectacular falls are among the highest in the country, spanning 74 m in height and 2,360m in elevation. It lies along the Ewaso Nyiro river flowing from Aberdare Mountain. It’s a walking distance from Nyahururu town and 240 km from Nairobi. You can use a taxi or matatu to get to the site.

The entrance fee for Kenyan citizens per adult is Ksh. 100 and KSh. 50 for children, while non-Kenyans pay Ksh. 200.

With different viewing points, you’ll enjoy watching water droppings and photography sessions.

At the site, you can enjoy a guided walk on the community trails. The beautiful plantations and wildlife make the walk unforgettable. Also, a visit to the falls museum will help you learn about the local community’s culture.

A few meters from the waterfalls is a hippo pool where you can watch hippos.

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2. Karuru Falls

Karuru falls
Karuru falls

The falls are situated within Aberdares National Park. It plunges 273m below the viewing point, and it is three-tiered. The first tie is 116m, the second is 25m, and the third is 130m high. From Nairobi to the falls is a 172km distance.

The beautiful indigenous plantation around the park adds to the beauty of the waterfalls. You’ll park at Mutubio gate then hike to the waterfalls for around 8 hours. While walking, you watch animals like waterbucks, antelopes, and monkeys. Also, you can use a 4×4 drive to get to the site. The roads are rough, and the area rains regularly.

The entry fee at the gate for Kenyan citizens is Kshs 250 for adults and Kshs 200 for children. Non-residents pay US$ 30 for adults and US $ 20 per child.

To get to the falls, you can use a taxi or a plane through Aberdare National Park airstrip.

3. Fourteen Falls

fourteen falls
Fourteen falls

The waterfall entails 14 falls, plunging 27m below the viewing point along the Athi River. It is situated at Thika, 65km from Nairobi.

Activities you can do include boating, photography, diving, fishing, and bird watching. The vegetation around provides scenic views and plant identification sites.

During rainy seasons, the fall converges into an enormous water torrent which produces a roaring sound.

You can get to the waterfall by taxi, bus or personal car. The entry fee for adult citizens is Kshs 400 per person, and non-residents pay US$ 15. You can visit anytime from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

4. Tigoni Waterfalls

Tigoni waterfalls
Tigoni waterfalls

Tigoni Falls is located in Limuru, 48km from Nairobi. They lie deep in Kiambethu Tea Farm. It is 18 m high and offers scenic getaways from busy city life. The falls are surrounded by dense vegetation, allowing you to breathe fresh, clean air.

You can camp at a picnic site nearby and watch birds.

At the gate, adults pay Kshs 450 and children Kshs 200. From the entrance to the falls, it takes a 5 to 10 minutes walk. Tigoni Inn Restaurant provides food and drinks to visitors.

To access the site, you can use a bus, taxi, or personal car.

Using a personal car is the most preferred means of travel as you head to Tigoni waterfalls. There are attractive sites along the way. Therefore, using a personal car gives you an opportunity to stop over and take some shots.

A taxi is also not bad as you’re able to instruct the driver to stop at some point so you can enjoy the scenic views. Using a bus or any other means of public transport denies you the opportunity to stop over at different places.

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5. Lugard Falls

Lugard's waterfall
Lugard’s waterfall

Lugard’s waterfall results from river Galana passing through volcanic rock, carving a narrow path and creating rapids and falls as the water flows.

The waterfall is situated in Tsavo East National Park. With a spectacular landscape of light gray, white, and pink rocks. Over the years, the rocks have been carved by water forming incredible shapes.

Visitors can climb the rocks or view rapids down the river. The falls merge into a downstream crocodile pool.

You can enjoy watching crocodiles, buffaloes, and hippopotamuses at a lake one kilometer away.

There is ample parking at the site.

6. Sheldrick Waterfalls

Sheldrick waterfalls
Sheldrick waterfalls

The waterfall is located inside Shimba Hills National Park, Kwale county.  The 21 m waterfall of freshwater merges into a pool.

You can walk to the falls, a distance of approximately 2km. It will take around 2 hours. Bushes, forests, and grassland make the journey breathtaking. Along the footpath are different plant species.

Wildlife at the park includes elephants, buffaloes, rare butterflies, mongooses, and antelope. The beautiful sounds of dropping water are peaceful and breathtaking.

Other activities include swimming at the pool, taking photos, and camping at the park.

7. Chepkiit Waterfalls

Chepkiit waterfalls
Chepkiit waterfalls

Chepkiit Waterfall is located 2 km from Eldoret Airport, Nandi county. It is one among scenic falls with carved-out walls of Great Rift Valley. The falls are formed as river Sosiani water flows over a rock escarpment turning into a surging foam.

The waterfall has four viewpoints. From the points, you can see spectacular views of the river and flora and fauna around it. Also, you witness water flowing and disappearing under a rock edge and downstream.

The management charges Kenyan citizens Kshs 200 per adult and Kshs 100 per child while non-Kenyans pay Kshs 500 entrance fee.

You can picnic, birdwatch, and take photos at the site.

You can use a taxi or plane from Nairobi to Eldoret airport to visit the falls. The distance from Nairobi to the fall is approximately 328.5 km.

The table below shows the contacts of the mentioned waterfalls. You can get in touch for more information.

Thompson Falls0726500260
Karuru Falls0202046271
 Fourteen Falls0202326170
Tigoni Waterfalls0722651023
 Lugard Falls0800597000
 Shedrick Waterfalls0704467855
Chepkiit Waterfalls0722279396
beautiful waterfalls in Kenya

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the highest waterfall in Kenya?

The highest waterfall in Kenya is Karuru waterfall with a height of 273 meters. The waterfall has many spectacular scenes that attract both local and international tourists.

On which river is Karuru Falls?

Karuru falls is along River Karimu in the Aberdare forest. When you visit the Aberdare forest you have an opportunity to view the waterfall.

The Bottom Line

You can visit these breathtaking waterfalls in Kenya either as a resident or non-resident. The management of the sites provides necessary guidance in case of glaring danger like wild animals. You’ll pay the entrance fee at the gates. Additionally, you may be required to pay car parking and a guide fee by the management. So, have some extra cash as you plan to visit these best waterfalls in Kenya.