How to Create an Email List to Build an Audience for Your Business

Email happens to be an old digital marketing tool people have been using. It is also one of the most effective in terms of conversion. For an effective email marketing campaign, you need a good email list. Your email list will eventually grow when you start generating sales. However, you don’t have to wait for sales for your email list to grow. Here are the crucial steps on how to create an email list to build an audience for your business.

Have a Pop-Up CTA on Each of Your Page

Sounds gimmicky and bothersome? Well, we are talking about something other than the old 2000s pop-ups that would appear seconds after opening a page. 

We are talking about timed pop-ups. For instance, you can have pop-ups after a visitor spends a certain amount of time on the page.

You can also have pop-ups whenever a visitor scrolls down for a certain percentage. The pop-ups can be designed to be relevant to what the user is doing on the page.

Here are some of the CTA pop-ups you can include;

  • Discount offers – for a sales business
  • Email sign-up – for any business
  • Webinar or other event invitations – for service-based businesses
  • Free courses – for digital short courses businesses
  • Free new sign-up bonuses – for gaming sites
  • Invitation to a paid referral program – for any type of business

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Use Lead Magnets

A newsletter alone may not be a great option in convincing people to join your email list. Lead magnets can be a real deal to building an email list in Kenya. Lead magnets can be in the form of freebies or content upgrades.

You introduce a lead magnet in exchange for contacts from your visitors. You can have freebies such as;

  • Checklists
  • Reports
  • Ebooks
  • Free short courses
  • Resource kits

Just think of the many times you have entered your email and your name in exchange for a free eBook. 

In addition, don’t just add content on the freebie that is not relevant to what the visitor wants from your site. Consider understanding what your visitors want when they visit your site and provide that.

For example, if they visited your site to learn how to build an email list, you can offer a free eBook on ten strategies to build an email list used by successful bloggers.

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Team Up With Other Brands

By teaming up with other brands, we don’t mean that you team up with your direct competitors. If you are a fitness blogger, avoid teaming up with other fitness bloggers, especially if you are a beginner. Consider teaming up with a popular fitness coach, a dietician, or a nutritionist.

The easiest way to collaborate is by sharing each other’s newsletters if they have any. You can do a video or webinar together or write an ebook.

Personalize Your CTAs

According to Hubspot, CTAs with personalized content have a 42% view-to-submission rate compared to CTAs that were all the same. This makes a lot of sense since your visitors are looking for something specific to them when visiting your page.

For example, if your visitors have visited your site to learn more about ‘how to manage my time effectively,’ you can create a personalized CTA. In this case, it can be ‘click here to download a free time management tools checklist.’ 

If you offer personalized CTAs, your email list will grow because your newsletters won’t feel like a gimmicky ad.

Try a Referral Program

This will definitely cost you a coin or two, but building an engaging list is worth it. You can offer a referral program where people can earn by referring other people. In Kenya, this would work perfectly since many are always looking for ways to earn money. 

Of course, ensure that you are only offering payment amounts that you can afford. This is quite effective because apart from getting new subscribers to join your list, you will also maintain your existing audience.

Offer Incentives

Incentives are also another great way to create an email list to build an audience in Kenya. However, you have to think carefully about the incentives to give. Incentives have to be something relevant to your audience.

Some of these incentives could be:

  • Discounts: As a way of thanking your new sign-ups, you can consider offering discounts. This incentive will attract even more new sign-ups.
  • Sale: Consider running a sale and advertising it exclusively to your list subscribers. This will create a sense of urgency for those not on your list and encourage them to sign up.

Use Chatbots

This is all in a bid to make the conversations on your site more interactive. You can install a chat to engage your visitors and eventually turn them into your email subscribers.

Install a reliable chat box directed towards capturing visitors’ contact details and turning them into your email subscribers. Your chatbot could include some of the frequently asked questions. While they try to get answers, you can provide these answers and end up convincing them to sign up and get more answers and maybe a guide.

What Describes a Good Email List?

For an email marketing campaign to succeed, you have to learn ways to create an email list to build an audience in Kenya. But what does a good email list look like?

  • Quality: Focus on getting real information from real people. Avoid buying bots, spam accounts, or buying email lists.
  • Relevance: Consider adding people who are genuinely interested in your type of content or your brand.
  • Quantity: After you tick the above two boxes, now focus on getting as large an email list as possible.