How to Renew a Smart Driving License in Kenya: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

Is the expiration date of your Kenyan smart driving license looming? If so, you might find yourself tangled in a web of confusion on how to renew it. The process can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially if you don’t know how to go about it. Luckily, we’re here to guide you on how to renew a smart driving license in Kenya. 

Once your Kenyan smart driving license expires, you can renew it online via simple steps. Kenya got its first smart driving license in March 2018 via the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA).

Let’s dive into the guide on how to renew your smart driving license online in Kenya.

A Guide on How to Renew a Smart Driving License in Kenya

A smart driving license is way more advanced than the previous licenses. It has a chip that stores your data, just like your bank credit card or debit card does. This technologically advanced digital license is simpler to renew than you think. 

Previously, the NTSA renewed driving licenses via the TIMS (Transport Integrated Management System) online portal. However, it recently shifted its operations to the e-Citizen Portal.

Also Read: NTSA Driving License Checker: Easy Way To Check Your Driving License

How to Open an e-Citizen Account 

If you want to renew your smart driving license in Kenya, the first thing you want to do is to log in to your e-Citizen Portal account. If you already have an eCitizen account, proceed to log in. However, if you don’t have an account, follow these steps to open it: 

  1. Open the e-citizen website
  2. Navigate to the top right corner and tap the “three-lined icon.” Choose “Register” from the drop-down menu, as shown in the image below.
eCitizen account opening

3. Under “Select account type,” click “Citizen” if you are a Kenyan. Non-Kenyans should select among “Resident,” “Diplomat,” or “Foreigner.

4. The “Register” page has four pages you will need to fill with correct information, including “Validate,” “Contact,” “Password,” and “Photo.” 

5. First, complete the “Validate” section with your ID number, the first name on your ID, and year of birth. Click “Validate.” 

6. Click “Next” to see the “Contact” page. Enter your current “Phone number” and “Email address” and tap “Next.” Enter the “OTP” code sent to your email or phone number. Tap “Next.”

7. Under the “Password” page, choose a password that has an upper case letter, at least one lower case letter, one symbol, and one number. Touch “Next.”

8. On the “Photo” page, move to the “Upload your passport photo” area. Inside the box, tap “Click to upload or drag and drop.”

9. Scroll down, tick the “I agree to the terms and conditions” box, and press “Complete.”

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Smart Driving License Renewal Steps

Now that you have a new e-Citizen account, we can now proceed to renew your smart driving license. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to renew a smart driving license in Kenya:

  1. Visit the e-Citizen portal and log in with your “Username/ID number” and “Password.”
  2. On the “Dashboard, “under the “National Services,” select “NTSA,” as shown by the image below. Then, click “Get Service.”
eCitizen NTSA Portal log in

3. Under the “One Login” area, Enter your “Username/ID number” and “Password.”

4. The NTSA login system will send you an “OTP” code to the phone number you signed up with. Enter the code in the provided box and tap “Confirm.” 

5. Under “Driving License,” choose the “Smart Driving License Renewal” and tap “Apply,” as shown below:

eCitizen smart driving renewal

6. The “Renew Smart Driving License” page will emerge. Scroll down and fill in the details in the blank form. It is about your DL details and personal information. At the bottom, choose your best collection center. You can opt for any Huduma Center office near you.

7. Touch “Next.” Select your payment method in the next window and pay the cash. A three-year smart driving license costs Ksh. 1400 and a convenience fee of Ksh. 50. If you want to renew your license for one year, you will pay Ksh. 600 plus Ksh. 50 for convenience. 

8. Wait for your driver’s license. It will take two to three weeks to be ready. Once the license is ready, pick it up at your preferred collection center. 

How the NTSA Smart Licenses Work

A smart driving license looks like your typical national ID card. However, it has a chip that hosts your biometric data. A new card automatically comes with one hundred points. If you commit a traffic offense, your points will slightly decrease. 

The more offenses you create, the higher your risk of losing your driving license. NTSA puts the minimum benchmark at forty points. You are automatically out once you hit this mark. 

Luckily, the cancellation of your digital driver’s license does not mean you will never drive legally again. 

NTSA allows you to apply for another smart driving license after six months. Ensure you only drive a car once this period is over. The points system has forced many drivers to be attentive on the road to avoid losing their licenses for months.