Mashujaa Day Celebrations in Kenya: The Ultimate Guide in 2024

Kenya will mark its 60th Mashujaa Day on Friday, October 20, 2023. The venue for the upcoming Mashujaa Day celebrations is the Kericho Green Stadium. Preparations at the Stadium began a few months ago to ensure all patriotic Kenyans looking to attend the event will get a seat. 

If you plan to attend the Mashujaa Day Celebrations in 2023, keep it here to discover everything you should know. 

Preparations for the 60th Mashujaa Day Celebrations

Kenya will celebrate its 60th Mashujaa Day this week in Kericho County. The celebrations will take place at Kericho Green Stadium. His Excellency the President of Kenya, William Samoei Ruto, will lead Kenyans in marking the upcoming celebrations. 

The national government began increasing the seating capacity to host up to 10,000 people before August 2023. Speaking during an inspection trip at the venue on August 23, 2023, Raymond Omollo, the Internal Security and National Administration PS noted that the concrete work was over. 

He was to spearhead the facelift of the Kericho Green Stadium and Kericho town. The top things he was to oversee ahead of the Mashujaa Day celebrations in 2023 entailed: 

  • Add three steel terraces to the open spaces.
  • Add one thousand seats to the two sections adjacent to the main pavilion.
  • Place one thousand extra seats within the new steel terraces.
  • Supply the stadium with electricity, water, and sewerage system. 
  • Improve various road sections in Kericho town. The ones to receive a makeover were the K.I.E- Isaac Salat Road (1KM), Kericho open-air market Road (1.5KM), Guru Nanak Temple Road (1.5KM), and Cemetery Siloam Road (1.7KM). 
  • Install high-quality street lights in the whole town and down the highway. 

Omollo, also the chairperson of the National Celebrations Steering Committee, noted that a technical committee working under the steering committee was overseeing the preparations of the Kericho Green Stadium. 

Omollo had to work with the Kericho Green Stadium’s manager, Sports Kenya, associates from public works, and the KDF officials. With the concrete work finished by August, the team had only the installation and fitting tasks to focus on. 

Omollo toured the County Commissioner’s home and the local Kerenga Airstrip before ending his inspection trip. He also invited Kenyans from Kericho and other counties to attend the 60th Mashujaa Day celebrations at the Kericho Green Stadium on Friday, October 20, 2023.

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The Theme of the Mashujaa Day Celebrations in 2023

The 59th Mashujaa Day celebrations were held at Uhuru Gardens in Nairobi. This year they will shift to Kericho County. The core theme of this year’s festivities will be access to Universal Health Care. The Universal Health Care is among Kenya’s Vision 2030 goals. 

Kenya has formed alliances with other United Nations member states to ensure it achieves the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030. The UHC gives all citizens equal access to healthcare services regardless of their financial abilities, as the World Health Organization explains. 

The Kenyan government should have enabled industrialization by 2030 and transformed this country into a middle-income earner. By targeting human and social welfare projects and health programs, Kenya wants to improve the quality of life for its citizens by 2030. 

This year’s Mashujaa Day celebrations will offer the Kenyan government a platform to launch its Universal Health Care agendas and acknowledge our past and present heroes and heroines.  


What will we celebrate on Mashujaa Day?

The main agenda during the Mashujaa Day celebrations will be to commemorate the freedom fighter heroes and heroines who came after the independence. However, the government will discuss Universal Health Coverage as the top theme. Many entertaining activities will grace the event, making it a memorable day for all attendees.

What does Mashujaa Day mean to Kenyans?

Previously called the Kenyatta Day, the Mashujaa Day is the national day for Kenyan heroes. The public holiday will see everyone celebrate those who struggled for Kenya’s independence and chased away the British colonizers. On this day, we will celebrate the founding fathers, the Kapenguria Six, and everyone who made their efforts fruitful. 

When did Kenya start observing the Mashujaa Day?

After the promulgation of Kenya’s new constitution on August 24, 2010, Kenya started celebrating the Mashujaa Day. It will be the 13th year since Kenya stopped celebrating Kenyatta Day in favor of Mashujaa Day. President William Ruto will be hosting these celebrations for the second time.